Kids Zone Training
Martial Arts Begins and Ends With Respect
Our Kids Zone Program is based on the core values of Martial Arts training – “Martial Arts Begins and Ends With Respect.” Our core curriculum includes hi-energy drills and skills designed to build and condition each child’s attitude, behavior and overall character development. Our training helps children and young adults develop greater self-control and self-discipline in everything they do. Our training instills confidence through positive coaching, lot’s of encouragement and a powerful mentoring relationship with role model leaders.
Practical Self-Defence & Safety Awareness
Safe kids make for happy parents. Kids tend to listen to people they like, trust and respect. Our highly trained teaching staff will share vital safety tips and teach your child practical self-defence. Our practical self-defence skills include karate, kickboxing and on the ground defence.
Champions are always Victors and never Victims…
Kids who learn to defend themselves usually will never have to. They have learned to walk with confidence and they are less apt to be a prime target for bullies and/or abductors. Studies prove that anyone who wants to harm a child or has ill intent is more likely to go for the weakest looking kid they can find. Kids that are aware and act in a more confident manner are the greatest deterrent to bullies and dangerous adults.
Kids who train in the Martial Arts become more assertive and less aggressive. Just like Adults, if they have a healthy outlet for their energy, they will let go of stress and frustrations. Watch the level of energy our kids exert in a class and you’ll understand why they sleep well at night. Kids with a high level of self-confidence are also better able to deal with negative peer pressure and say “No” to dangerous situations and threatening adults.
Healthy, Wealthy, Happy & Fit…with a Fighting Spirit that will Never Quit!
Television, video games and fast foods present significant temptations and challenges to our young people today. We strive every day to deliver a program that builds a sense of balance for your child. Our Junior Classes inspire kids on how to live healthier, how to exercise and how to build energy and a dynamic spirit. We want your child to be better prepared to face life’s challenges and be successful in everything they do.
Statistics tell us that 1/3 of all kids are obese and that fully 2/3 are overweight and at risk of preventable health challenges that could lead to early death. Most kids are less active than previous generations and spend too much time on the computer or playing video games. They barely even have a structured gym class in school. Combine the lack of activity with the ease of fast foods and the junk that kids can easily become addicted to, and it’s easy to see why our nation is creating kids at risk.
Our program will get your child in the best shape of their young lives. We’ll increase their flexibility, strengthen and tone their muscles and give them greater endurance. All while they are having fun and learning skills that will carry over to becoming successful adults. Our instructors are experts at motivating kids and bringing out the best in them. We love to team up with families to instill a non-quitting spirit in kids and help them become Black Belt Champions in life.
How do you get your child started?
It’s easy to start. When you have found the club closest to you, speak to the instructor and arrange your first FREE introductory lesson or use our form to contact us via email.
Upcoming Events
2025 Events (at a glance)
2025 Events 1/2 February - WCKA Interclub Tournament 15/16 March - WCKA Grade Weekend 21/22 June - WCKA Grade Weekend 12/13 July - WCKA Interclub Tournament 20/21 September - WCKA Grade Weekend 26 October - WKU World Championships, Trier, Germany 15/16 November - WCKA...
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